Heidi Garcia
3 min readAug 2, 2021


To raise a generation with a mode of conduct that matches the integral systems of Nature, the classroom must be turned into a mini-society, where each student feels and understands his or her profit from contributing to the success of the entire society (i.e., the class). Dr. Michael Laitman “Good Education”

Schools must be just one part of a communitywide response to support the holistic development of children. Josh Tomases, “Post-Pandemic schooling will be even more challenging than most of us expect”

Our education system needs deep reconfiguration to develop students into a desired society that cares for each other and has values based on the knowledge of its interconnection, and the need to treat each other with respect and compassion. Covid was an excellent example of how interconnected the world is, and the experience left the education system with the need to revise its learning systems and incorporate new approaches that facilitate the development of global values in students and in all the professionals involved in their development. Instead of using the old ways of delivering content, the use of technology during the Covid era provided a unique opportunity to practice with innovative ways of learning. The new way of teaching and learning must incorporate activities that promote inclusion, connectivity, and understanding that society is part of an interconnected global village.

In the process of completing the content curriculum, teachers must incorporate activities that promote inclusion, connection, and relations based on mutual respect. Students should learn to engage in actions that promote interdependence, and positive relations between them, the school environment, and the society.

The way to peace first requires an upgrade in education. Dr. Michael Laitman, “How to Save the World from War and Establish Peace”

The education system has many approaches through which teachers impart content, but in today’s world, by using the Web as a tool, they can integrate in their curriculum global ideas, they can upgrade their courses with a plethora of new content concepts, culture, philosophy, science, and much more. And in the process, integrate activities that make students aware that the world encompasses humanity in a circular, simple way, without divisions, balanced, connected. An integral approach would be more applicable in today’s education system.

The quality of knowledge building outcomes can depend how carefully the knowledge building process pays attention to elements such as freedom, equality, empathy, sincerity, inclusivity, reciprocity, integrity, and mutual regard. Tom Murray, What is the Integral in Integral Education?

The integral model works as an umbrella of other approaches in which a teacher can use a set of pedagogies, but also adopting a critical and appreciative meta-perspective of those pedagogies (Tom Murray, 105). When choosing a set of models to teach, the instructor ought to introduce activities in which students learn how to communicate effectively and respectfully, crucial development in the creation of a new society. Teachers, administrators, parents, and students need to learn how to interact and care for one another. This new way of thinking of mutual respect, needs to trickle down from homes, districts, and teachers’ associations. It is a work that demands the inclusion of every organization that is part of the school development. Everybody must share the same values so they can be taught effectively in the classroom.

Today’s school system is developed around the concepts of competitiveness, instead of practices of collaboration and respect. In an integral approach students can develop relationships based on mutual consideration, tolerance, and understanding without hindering their learning of content. Teachers can create positive environments in which students practice these values, instead of developing egoistic ones. For this to work effectively, teachers must be part of an inclusive, supportive system too, not on a competitive one, so they can implement their experiences in the classroom. Administrators and parents must be included in this scenario. Their support is crucial in the building of an integrated society.

As part of this society, we must support a new school initiative that includes an integral approach that will develop our students into whole, global, interconnected, conscientious individuals.

Heidi Garcia

Retired teacher of Spanish mainly to Heritage Learners.